Our goal is to connect you, our local farmers, producers, crafters, and artisans, directly with consumers. This not only gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with customers, tell your story, and describe your growing and production methods, but it also builds relationships and friendships in the community.
Quality vendors and products attract more customers to the market and higher attendance draws additional vendors with quality products. The greater variety of produce, meats, etc. that our market can offer, the better we can serve our local community and be on their not-to-miss list every week.
It all starts with quality vendors. We welcome farmers, producers, crafters and artisans to join. Sell for the whole season, just one time or anything in between. Attendance is flexible.
Local products wanted:
Vendor fees for the 2025 season for a 10' x 10' space are:
We encourage junior vendors to participate at a rate of $5 per market, children 17 and under with adult supervision would qualify. It is great to be able to encourage youth entrepreneurship and give them a chance to try out their business ideas.
Non-profit and community groups may participate with an informational or fundraising booth at no charge. These spaces are limited, so please contact us to get on the schedule.
Below you will find our Vendor Application and Market Rules for the Potlatch Idaho Farmers Market.
You can download the form and mail to us or you can fill out the **ONLINE APPLICATION HERE** (on JotForm).
Be sure to read the Market Rules below. Let us know if you have any questions, we are happy to help.
Idaho Regulations for Selling Cottage Foods: https://www.uidaho.edu/-/media/UIdaho-Responsive/Files/Extension/publications/bul/bul1009.pdf?la=en
Idaho Farmers Market Manual – “Establishing a Farmers Market in Idaho”, especially the section on Permits, Licenses & Regulations starting on page 12 https://agri.idaho.gov/main/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/EstablishFarmersMarket.pdf
Idaho State Dept. of Agriculture: https://agri.idaho.gov/
North Central Idaho Health Department: https://www.idahopublichealth.com/
Idaho State Tax Commission: https://tax.idaho.gov/
Idaho Farmers Market Association: www.idahofma.org
Idaho Preferred: https://idahopreferred.com/